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אופיר הנדסה - בנייה פרטית

Private construction

Supervision management and construction of detached houses

The process of building a house, and especially when it comes to a detached house, is not an easy challenge. Your gaps in knowledge may cost you dearly. Building a house is done with an experienced and professional construction inspector who knows the stages of the work and at the same time, knows how to bring and reflect to you the degree of functionality of the house that will serve you in the future. 
Building a detached private house is not an easy task when you don't know the standards, and certainly not the variety of materials available on the market. The contractor for his part will use the minimum possible given. The inspector chooses to use the best materials and of course the most affordable price.

After all, it is desirable that on the cold days you enjoy the internal heat and on the wet days you are left with dry walls. It sounds simple, but build without the supervision of your supervisor who inspects the contractor's work and watches over you all the way to the key.

When building a detached private house, the lack of experience is accompanied by a particularly heavy price tag, due to significant knowledge gaps in front of experienced professionals who take advantage of this. Bargaining abilities are limited with suppliers and professionals due again to a lack of knowledge. All of these together lead to a high construction cost and probably to the use of cheap construction materials and minimal construction quality. So why do much less for a lot of money when you can do much better with the same money.

A detached private house requires a lot of patience, time and, of course, quite a bit of money. Many choose to build a private house to fulfill a dream: to enjoy complete privacy, a large adjoining yard and a more spacious space. To make sure that this dream will indeed come true and that all the financial investment in it will pay off in the end, it is recommended to use the services of a construction inspector, who enters the picture already in the early stages of the process and is the one who monitors the project and is responsible for it being conducted and carried out as required.

A house building project includes many stages, the activity of professionals from various fields and also quite a few permits, which are required along the way. In order to go through it safely, it is important to have one figure, who wins over the entire process, and is a mediating factor, a professional factor that monitors what is being done, and also the one that is in constant contact with the professionals and the client himself.

So, why do you need a construction inspector?

The construction inspector is one of the most important officials in the process of building a private house, and in general, in any construction project, including particularly large projects. Without a construction inspector, the customer will have to spend a very long time at the construction site and make sure that everything is going well. It is likely that he will not be able to do this himself, both for reasons of time and because of his lack of familiarity with the field and his experience in such projects. However, if you choose to use a construction inspector, you can continue with the routine of life and be confident that the construction of the house is going on the best side, without unnecessary faults and in accordance with all the needs and requirements.

Here are some of the main duties of a construction inspector:

Finding a contractor to carry out the project -In the first step, the construction inspector helps to find the contractor to carry out the project. He does this by preparing tenders and distributing them to the appropriate contractors. After contacting one or several relevant contractors, the construction inspector negotiates the prices and proposals submitted, and only then selects the appropriate contractor.

Coordination and execution of the construction process -The construction inspector is the one who regularly works with the construction contractor and makes sure to update him with everything related to the process itself, the changes made (if indeed there were any) or any other detail related to the process.
Verification of the required certificates and approvals from the various professionals - to make sure that the construction process is indeed being conducted properly and meets all the necessary criteria, the construction inspector verifies that all the professionals taking part in it (whether in the field of electricity, plumbing or frames and carpentry) have all the approvals and certificates required for their work on the site.

Checks the quality of the raw materials and the various products -The construction inspector is the professional body that examines the various raw materials and products used by construction professionals and verifies that they meet the high standards required for the project.

Documentation of the construction project -The construction inspector documents the construction project from its initial stages to its completion. He is the one responsible for managing a work diary with the various officials and he is the one who takes care of updating any conduct related to the project.

Planning coordination  –The construction inspector is responsible for planning the project - step by step and making sure that each of these steps is done properly. Planning and monitoring the project helps to prevent malfunctions and problems before they appear, thereby saving quite a bit of money, and especially heartache.
Budgetary control - the supervisor monitors the budget designated for the benefit of the project and for each of its phases. In this way, he ensures that there are no exceptions and deviations from the budget, which was determined in advance before the start of the project.

Inspection and approval of accounts -The construction inspector is responsible, based on the measurements he made and the various parts of the project, to check and approve the various invoices issued by the contractor as well as to approve the payments at the end of the project.
Submitting forms to various entities - the inspector is the one who sends all the various entities, as well as the municipality, all the forms they need as part of the project and for form 4.

Updating the client regarding the project -The construction inspector is in direct contact with the client and makes sure to keep us updated all along the way regarding the progress of the project, regarding the budget as well as regarding various problems, glimpses sometimes during the project.
Accepting the project, recording defects and following up on the repairs - this is the last stage of the project. At this stage, the construction inspector checks the final results of the project, makes a record of the deficiencies found and monitors their correction until the construction project is completed and handed over to the client.

The role of the construction inspector is one of the most important in the entire project in order to ensure its conduct. The construction inspector is required to continuously monitor the project and throughout its various stages. He is the professional who is in the field, at the forefront of action, and he is the one who prevents future defects and maintains the nature and quality of the work and materials. Contacting a construction inspector can save, especially in the long term, very large sums of money and allow the client to "sleep with peace of mind". With his help you can get through this difficult period in peace and even enjoy it.

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